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Grant Odyssey

Lancer Football Improving Week to Week

Last Friday was the second football game of the season and every game we are ge4tting closer and closer to the CIF City Sections. While we lost by a score of 38-15, Coach Franco Stasilli assures us that the team is impriving every week. When asked how he felt about last week's game, Coach Stasilli proudly stated, "I was pleased with the way we played at last week's game...because this is a young team we look for improvement on a week to week basis which we definitely had this week." This season, the Varsity football team mostly consists of sophomores and juniors, with only eight seniors out of the thirty-one players. After speaking with Coach Stasilli, it is abundantly clear that we can expect even more improvement in this Thursday's game. This thursday our JV and Varsity teams will be playing against the Legacy Tigers on our field at four and seven o'clock PM. Make sure to show up and cheer on our players, and make sure we Beat! Those! Tigers! Tickets will be available on GoFan per usual and there will not be tickets available to purchase at the door. Make sure to get your tickets ASAP and show your Lancer Pride!

Written By: Charlee Smeltzer

Date: August 30th, 2023

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