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Grant Odyssey

Ms. Bustos: Grant’s New Theater Teacher!

By: Fernando Leiva

Written: September

With the 2023-24 school year underway, Grant welcomes many new teachers across all subjects to its campus and community. The inauguration of the 400 building has opened its doors to Lancers with new graphic design studios and a brand-new theater room, along with a new theater teacher-- Ms. Bustos, whom we interviewed to get an insight into her life and interests.

It’s your first year at Grant, welcome! So, have you had any teaching experience before arriving here?

I was previously in English and then transitioned into theater teaching high school in Florida, but now it’s my first time teaching high school here in California.

What brought you to Grant?

I live nearby, and I wanted to be closer to my community. I looked for a school around my area, and Grant was hiring for a new theater teacher, so I said, “Yes, please!”

What is your favorite thing about Grant so far?

I really love that everyone-- staff and even the kids-- are supportive of the arts program, especially with theater being so new. I’ve been told that we will be able to put on productions and have full creativity, which is really exciting because funding for the arts [in schools] often gets cut.

Why did you choose to teach theater?

I love it. I love literature, and I always have. Growing up, I loved epic poems and costumes, which is what I worked on in high school-- it was my role in theater! I also like teaching, so it just made sense. Arts always get cut, so if you can’t teach theater, you teach English. So, I’m very grateful for the opportunity to be in my element, in my zone.

Are there any values you hope to instill in your students?

Creativity. I know a lot of kids don’t like acting, and they don’t like certain aspects of theater. Many people see theater as though “it’s just an elective,” but for them [my students] to have creativity and to play every day is something I value. Theater is fun!

What are some of your hobbies or interests?

I’m a huge backpacker, so I like hiking and paddle boarding. I’m from Florida, so that’s what we do out there. Reading as well!

You’ve mentioned your love for literature. Do you have a favorite book?

My favorite book of all time is Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I read it in 9th grade, and my life changed. I love gothic literature, so that’s a big one for me.

If you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be and why?

It would probably be Nathan Lane. He’s mainly in [theater] productions and Broadway, as well as a couple of films, like Birdcage and Timon from The Lion King. He’s amazing. His personality and the things that I’ve seen him do make me interested in having dinner with him.

To close, what is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

The best piece of advice I’ve ever received is probably that life doesn’t always go your own way, and that’s okay. It’s never too late to start new things. For example, I have known people who didn’t go to university right after high school, but decided to attend college later on in life, and they were fine! Sometimes, things don’t go the way you want them to, but that doesn’t mean life stops at a certain age.

We thank Ms. Bustos for her time and wish her a warm welcome to the Lancer family!

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