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Grant Odyssey

Student Spotlight Series: Betty Polena

Written: October 29th, 2023

Our first Student Spotlight is on 12th grader, Betty Polena. She was nominated for her academic achievements as well as her kindness to others, school spirit, and involvement in all things Grant. We hope you enjoy getting to know Betty a little bit better through her interview!

Tell us your name, your grade, and how long you have been attending Grant.

  • My name is Betty Polena, I am in 12th grade, and I have been attending Grant for 3 years.

What are you involved in on campus? (Think about leadership roles, ASB, athletics, and clubs; tell us everything you are involved in or passionate about!)

  • I am involved in ASB, Thrift N Trade club, BSU, and yearbook, I have TA’d for the offices in my time at this school, I used to be on the Softball team, and I work the chains for the football games. As of this year, I am also our school mascot, the Lancer, at a variety of events ranging from pep rallies to sporting events.

How did you begin to get involved on campus?

  • I just started participating more in spirit weeks, fundraisers, and events, and I signed up for everything the school provided.

What do you love about Grant the most?

  • I love all the opportunities Grant gives me to be creative and myself.

Who inspires you to be the best version of yourself? (family member, teacher, coach, friend?)

  • Some of the staff at Grant such as the counselors, my teachers, and the principal all inspire me to be the best me I can be.

What are your future goals and aspirations? (high school and beyond?)

  • I want to become a fashion stylist and work in wardrobe for shows, movies, and theater and possibly move to New York or just the East Coast in general.

What advice would you give to a younger Lancer?

  • I would tell a younger Lancer to just not care about what other people will say about you. It is up to you to make your high school experience memorable so you might as well just do it for you. Everyone will have an opinion either way, so just enjoy yourself. I know this is easier said than done, but you'll get there soon. You are in control of your life.

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