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Writer's pictureSKYE JOHNSON

Student Spotlight Series: Emily Lesage

By: Charlee Smeltzer 

Written: November 15, 2023 

 For this student spotlight, we chose one of our beloved senior cheerleaders, Emily Lesage. Here is a look into her life as a lancer, and what she does for our community that makes her shine like the star she is! 

Tell us your name, your grade, and how long you have been attending Grant.

 My name is Emily Lesage. I am in 12th grade and I’ve been attending Grant all four years of high school. 

What are you involved in on campus? (Think about leadership roles, ASB, athletics, and clubs; tell us everything you are involved in or passionate about!)

I have been involved in sports and multiple clubs here at Grant. I’ve been in cheer all four years which includes cheering for football, volleyball, basketball, and competition season. I’ve been a part of the Mental Health Awareness Club since my sophomore year and currently am President and social media advisor of the club, but the previous year I was the club historian, photographer, and a part of the social media team. I currently help lead Latinos Unidos Social Media, Asb Commissioner of Attendance, and Senior Class Vice President. 

How did you begin to get involved on campus?

I got involved in cheerleading by trying out for the 2020-2021 team via Zoom. It was a hard year for sports to stay consistent over the pandemic but I participated in all the Zoom practices and in-person practices when school started to open in May of 2021. During my sophomore year, I applied for a leadership role in the Mental Health Awareness Club and became their club Historian, Photographer, Social media, and executive Club President into my senior year. I was a consistent club member of Latinos Unidos during my junior year and applied for the social media team my senior year. Now that I’m in my senior year I applied for ASB Commissioner of Attendance and Senior Class Vice President.

What do you love about Grant the most?

What I love about Grant the most is the opportunities it has to offer. I enjoy cheering for games, being a part of leadership, and having amazing peers and mentors by my side. 


Who inspires you to be the best version of yourself? (family member, teacher, coach, friend?)

I would say my family and staff at Grant push me to be the best version of myself. I’m so thankful to be surrounded by people who believe that I can be anything I intend to be. 

What are your future goals and aspirations? (high school and beyond?)

I plan on attending a four-year university and studying to be an ultrasound technician and also pursue to be a nurse practitioner. I intend to continue cheering in college and possibly move out of state in a few years. 

What advice would you give to a younger Lancer?

My advice to a younger Lancer is to step out of your comfort zone. You have no idea of the possibilities and opportunities there are in high school. I recommend participating in school activities and events because you never know when it might be your last one. I would also say to create good relationships with school staff and teachers because they’ve been in your shoes before and only want the best for you. Enjoy every second of it and don’t let anyone else’s opinion affect you. 

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